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2023-08-09 06:40:01




In my opinion, reading is of great benefit to us. For one thing, reading is a good way to make one more intelligent. For another,good habit and active attitude can be formed through it. Just as an old saying goes, books are the ladder of human progress. So important are books that we should attach significance to it.

I go in for reading foreign literature, such as Celebrity Biography and How the Steel Was Tempered. Coming to know more about the author, I always choose to read something concerning theirs unbelievable experience and meaningful events. Realizing the value of time and life by them,I show more respect than sympathy to then. I wonder how they keep a positive attitude towards life.

I have ever read How the Steel Was Tempered, written by Ostrovsky. The hero, Palu, facing unexpected difficulties in life, however,he chose to face bravely but bot to evade. It is his courage that has a strong impact on me. Now, no matter when and where, I try my best to be brave instead of being craven and timorous.

In brief, reading a good book is just like making a good friend. So, don't waste your time. Pick up your book and read it!


In my opinion, reading is of great benefit to us. For one thing, reading is a good way to make one more intelligent. For another,good habit and active attitude can be formed through it. Just as an old saying goes, books are the ladder of human progress. So important are books that we should attach significance to it.

I go in for reading foreign literature, such as Celebrity Biography and How the Steel Was Tempered. Coming to know more about the author, I always choose to read something concerning theirs unbelievable experience and meaningful events. Realizing the value of time and life by them,I show more respect than sympathy to then. I wonder how they keep a positive attitude towards life.

I have ever read How the Steel Was Tempered, written by Ostrovsky. The hero, Palu, facing unexpected difficulties in life, however,he chose to face bravely but bot to evade. It is his courage that has a strong impact on me. Now, no matter when and where, I try my best to be brave instead of being craven and timorous.

In brief, reading a good book is just like making a good friend. So, don't waste your time. Pick up your book and read it!




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