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2023-08-09 07:19:10




It's so hot! The sun parched the earth like fireballs, no wind around, even the air is too stuffy. The trees drooped their heads listlessly; the flowers lost their former spirits and bent in a low voice; the cicadas kept shouting in the trees as if against the heat of summer. It seems to be a steamer in the room. I sit in the chair, sweat seems to be against me, drop by drop, let my skin and clothes have a long close contact.

On such a hot day, who doesn't want to have an interesting summer vacation at home?. However, the Hongkong match let me lose the rest of July; July 3rd; the school summer camp; July 18th; Gao teacher's training; July 26th, began the game. In the five days before the summer camp, I always hope the time will last a little slower, but the time will not be obedient. I haven't had enough time to play, and I haven't had enough, and July 3rd will come as scheduled.

In the morning, my mother and I came to school with big bags and prepared for the exam. I saw some students laugh a few days ago and said they do things; some students frown, you can talk with others into several classes, and near 9:30, Zheng majesty walked into the classroom, my heart suddenly tense up, when the papers issued down when I was relieved original title so simple ah! I started doing it quickly, and in less than 40 minutes I finished it and checked it again. 10:30, the teacher began their papers, I told the students to proofread the answer, it seems, in the A class.

At noon, the teacher finished correcting the papers. My heart suddenly became tense again. Even the teacher first class D, B class, both sides are not my name, I was very glad. In class two, we started putting things in and tidying up the drawers. With everything ready, I began to work on my summer vacation.

In the evening, we ate ice cream and watched TV, so happy. See the happy, everyone laugh, laughter echoed around the classroom.

The first day of summer camp is interesting!


In July 9th, I went to the five day summer camp with my friends. In Tongliang's Bashan mountain, the summer camp's theme is: "desperate survival.". On the way to Bashan mountain, we talked a lot of jokes, and I told a joke. After I had finished my joke, I went back to my seat and slept. But the unexpected is waiting for us......

We arrived at the training base. We found that the base was actually a desert! I looked at our classroom, the roof is paved with hay, walls, floors are made of wood, sometimes appear a window in front of the house empty village, and a flag. We train and have classes here...... This is our classroom number 1.

Classroom 2 is in the field, except for one room and one entrance. All the others are the same as classroom 1. We play the script and captain in the classroom.

Our bedroom is wooden house, hanging in the air of the wood house (mother explained: Chongqing is unique on stilts. Because the mountain was wet, the house was built from wood. I didn't understand it until the wit drew it back to me, and finally the coach asked for it As long as you walk on the loose wood, the wood will squeak, as if a man will fall. It's scary. There are two people on the lower berth of the house, there are several pots and cabinets, table. It's a pity that we have only slept for one day since it rained all the time!

The final examination question is: along an iron pole, climbs 12 meters high platform. I kept on trying and finally got through. (mother said: according to the coach said: "talented man just started afraid, dare not go up.". The coach had to say to the students that the wit was good and graceful, and that there was humility. He was so embarrassed that he finally went up

This summer camp makes me more courageous. I know what "persistence" means. What is "brave"?". (Mum's words: probably all on the 12 meter high tower.)

The fifth day, we treasure back, I also wrote a poem: go and go along the bend bend, and go. If asked what, baby, is to adhere to the end.




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