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2023-08-11 05:09:04




This cherry tree grows in my house downstairs.

Cherry blossoms, that rare cherry tree. Once upon a time, I have forgotten it again and again in my mind. Now, with that beautiful flower, it proved to me its existence, and proved its glorious moment in life

You see, the clouds are as bright as the flowers, swaying on the branches, as if to see people shy. The sunlight in the petals, fell under light, just like seeing my beloved husband, red with pink with white, beautiful face seems like good old Diao Chan biyuexiuhua beauty, it was very beautiful.

Although cherry blossoms do not have the fragrance of roses, the elegance of jasmine, and the beauty of the daffodils. However, it has a temperament that others can not possess - humility, no matter how people praise it, it still silently dedicated a beautiful scene, no return dedication, only willing to live out of self.

At present, the cherry blossoms filled with trees slowly swayed in the sunlight, carrying the pink and pink, and offering a dazzling light in the beautiful spring!

It does not expect anything, only for survival and open, and this is the cherry blossoms


In the morning, I stood at the window, the distance has been blossoming cherry and a smile for me. This is March, the cherry blossoms reveal its delicate little face. The cherry blossoms in March are really beautiful. The cherry garden, and lively and beautiful.

The silver flower is like a small pearl, crystal white, lovingly pathetic. I really want to sing a Japanese folk song "Sakura" in the world of cherry blossoms, which means that I am full of joy. The melody in the song sets the scene against the present. How beautiful!

In front of a big cherry tree, brown black trunk, crisp moving leaves. Charming, lovely petals, the cherry blossoms have a unique style, cause my reverie.

A breeze suddenly blew, petals fell quietly, they float in the wind, flying in the sky, like petals falling from the sky. It is the sea of cherry blossoms, the world of cherry blossoms. I am dancing in the flowers, feeling the laudatory title of Sakura princess.

Cherry blossoms represent the friendship between China and Japan. The beautiful cherry comes from Japan and grows on the rich and winding land in china. Let the earth is full of the beauty of the flowers of friendship, friends may seem like pine ever-living as cherry blossom, beautiful and sweet




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