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2023-08-14 02:33:20




Nowadays, with the development of the society, it's greatly need the people who master integrated skills, so that there are a growing number of people attend training classes to master more skills to get a good job. However, whether people should attend training classes or not, the answers vary from person to person. As far as I am concerned, it is necessary to attend training classes for the following reasons.

First of all, our society is developing rapidly, and the requirements for jobs have changed gradually. Previously, people can finish their job as long as they master a skill. But now, situations have changed. Computer skill, language ability and knowledge about law are needed for an employee, which helps them go further in their career.

Besides, when we attend the training class, we can meet many people work in other fields. It's a good time for us to know something new about other fields conveniently. And we can get more information about their fields that would be very helpful to our career. Finally, all of us should hold the idea that it's never too late to learn. Learning is the only way to keep pace with the society and attending training classes may be the most effective way.

From the discussion above, we can conclude that it is necessary and worthwhile for us to attend training classes because of its great importance.


Statistics show that no more than 40% of people who take the college entrance exams pass. Because a college education is regarded as the key to a successful career, this puts enormous pressure on the applicants. It also causes social problems, as those who fail consider that they have disgraced their families.

It seems to me that the exams are unfair, for three reasons: First, applicants with different abilities are faced with the same type of exam paper, second, the results of a mere three days of examination affect the applicant’s whole future; and third, applicants who can afford private tutors usually score higher marks than those who are poorer, but perhaps more intelligent.

To improve the system of college entrance exams, I suggest the following steps: the exam papers should be graded to take into account the different levels of ability and the different backgrounds of the applicants; in addition to the actual exam, a complete assessment of the applicant’s educational achievements should be made; and tutoring in examination techniques should be made available to all.


It is said that in real life, artists are always incapable. For an artist, the problems of real life are so boring and puzzling. In face of these problems, their intelligence has only been used in one field, delicate but too narrow. Art becomes an anchor point of artists where they can escape the unendurable real life. They not only can stay in it, but also enjoy it. Art is their haven, full of colors, light, sounds and imagination. But in my opinion, art should not be separated so clearly from life.

Firstly, life is the root of art. All the artists make their work out of their own experience. They add their feelings to the work of art, maybe joyful, maybe sad.

Secondly, art can be help make the beauty of life. Though the styles of Rembrandt and Degas are different, they both would turn a direct scene, which might be ugly and disappointing, such as an exhausted worker or an old lady, into a beautiful picture. Just an Walter Horatio said that in that short distance, the world is full of brightness, colors and music. If you can enjoy the beauty of art, you can make your life filled with endless happiness.

Thirdly, art can clarify and explain life. In our daily lives, similar situations bring similar reactions. Our feelings became duller and duller. But in a clearly organized artistic novel or drama, our feelings recover and switch into very strong ones. It appears that the contradictions of real life are fiercer than art can express. That is true, but we cannot experience all the contradictions. Daily life always brings us dull and shallow feelings. The tragedy Hamlet clarifies and also deepens those exciting events that happen in the situations familiar to us. Many people feel that it is literature, not life itself, that makes them understand their own plain affections.

Man cannot live only on bread. With the help of art, people not only recognize but also learn to experience the deeper affections in life. Art makes life artistic.


Recently, Hunan TV station play varieties show “Dad where we go” and the show has caused great sensation from public. Many netizens think children’s education should starts in a guidance way, and many parents also rethink their way of teaching. Using the right way to take care of children should be an important course for parents.

First, communicate with children, and listen to their thought. Many parents always think children are too little to know nothing .They consider everything from an adult’s perspective which don’t from child's ways, and this will cause children rebel psychology. Therefore, chatting with kids more, knowing their thought more, and change their bad thinking through the dialogue.

Second, do not compel children to study. There is an old saying: Interest is the best teacher. Hoping children has a bright future is the wish of most Chinese parents, therefore, extra-curricular tutorial have become a matter of course to Chinese children. Intimidating child to learn will let them feel tired, even affect their interest in learning.

Finally, allow children to make mistakes. As we know, it’s usual for children to make mistakes. Children make mistakes is equivalent to learning, because they could avoid such errors happen again in the future. And Parents should tolerant such wrong behaviors, but not indulge them. When children make mistakes criticism should be instead by other ways.

To sum up, when children grow up, they will meet all kinds of conditions, correct family education is very necessary. Parent need to let children walk on their own, instead of holding their hands at every turn .




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