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最新高中英语日记:The Faraway Home

2023-08-24 03:10:09

最新高中英语日记:The Faraway Home

高中英语日记:The Faraway Home


Since I go to school, I move away from my hometown, I miss all the things there, the river, the water and the trees are so natural and beautiful. Though my home is faraway, I can feel it all the time, once I have vacation, I will go back to my hometown. No matter how far away I am, the home is inside my heart.

高中英语日记:The Faraway Home


Since I go to school, I move away from my hometown, I miss all the things there, the river, the water and the trees are so natural and beautiful. Though my home is faraway, I can feel it all the time, once I have vacation, I will go back to my hometown. No matter how far away I am, the home is inside my heart.

高中英语日记:The Faraway Home


Since I go to school, I move away from my hometown, I miss all the things there, the river, the water and the trees are so natural and beautiful. Though my home is faraway, I can feel it all the time, once I have vacation, I will go back to my hometown. No matter how far away I am, the home is inside my heart.

高中英语日记:The Faraway Home


Since I go to school, I move away from my hometown, I miss all the things there, the river, the water and the trees are so natural and beautiful. Though my home is faraway, I can feel it all the time, once I have vacation, I will go back to my hometown. No matter how far away I am, the home is inside my heart.

【最新高中英语日记:The Faraway Home】



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