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2023-08-26 07:26:12



In my memory, I have experienced many things since I was a child. Some remember very clearly, and some do not remember. But there is one thing deeply imprinted on my mind that I can not forget.

I remember when I was six years old, one day my mother took me to the mall. My mother bought it for me

An ice cream, and then led me around several shops. My mother took me into a shop where dresses were sold. In the shop, my mother looked at a dress, so I didn't move there. She would come out in a moment.

But when mom came in, I was attracted by a child with a balloon. When I think of my mother, my mother is gone, and I feel anxious to cry. Then came a beautiful aunt. She saw me crying and asked me what had happened I told her I couldn't find my mother, and she asked me if I remember my mother's name and cell phone number. When I told her, she called my mother,

She told her mother, "let's lift this red balloon at the entrance to the XX shop on XX street."." Mom hurried over as soon as she answered the phone.

After a while, my mother came to catch up with me. When my mother found me, the aunt had disappeared. She only heard people blaming her mother: "it was too careless, too careless, and couldn't even see a child.". My mother told me that if she hadn't called her, she would have no idea what to do. Fortunately, the kind-hearted aunt would have made a big difference.

Now I've grown up, but when I think about it, I'm grateful to that aunt, because without her help, I wouldn't have been so serious about it. What I don't understand is that I don't have any blood relationship with that aunt. It's just a common stranger. She helped me so. Maybe that's the truth about the world! The aunt has a heart of noble and willing to help others.

I hope this aunt is in good health and happy.












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