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2023-09-09 05:40:01


Last Sunday was quite a good day with beautiful sunshine. When I was walking in Haikou Park, accidently I found a forieigner walking with his dog. I thought it was a good chance for me to practice my oral english, thus I went apporach to him and introduce myself to him first. He was quite a nice person and he told me his name is Smith.Green. He comes from England to China and He has already lived in Hainan for more than 2 years. We talk lasts for about 20 minutes. We talked about the weather and interesting places in Hainan. I also asked him to give me some advice about how to learn english. He mentioned that listening and speaking are quite important for a student, and thus practice is quite important as well,

I think it was quite a good experience to talk with a foreigner, through which it could improve not only my oral english, but also the skills of making friends. Moreover, I also could gain some knowledge about western culture.




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