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2023-09-11 03:30:12




The times are not renewed, and everything is changing. New things are springing up, replacing old things, dusty and old.

Music, the topic that never falls behind, has become the theme of today. New music has entered the eyes of people, into the hearts of people. But there are many people who reject the voice of this new era". Maybe time is the maker of all this. Many people think that today's pop music is very messy, completely lost the characteristics of art, lost the elegance of art. Actually, it's not like that. It's just that people wear tinted glasses to look at the popular music that young people think of.

Such as: now set off the drum "hip-hop" music fashion. Many people think that Sunnyvale is talking about songs, without artistic value. But is that really the case? My interpretation of art seems wrong.

Different people, different things, different times, different environments, different mood created different understanding of music.

The trend of music is constantly updated. Indeed, the old songs are pleasant to hear and listen to, but the music of the new trend is not always the beginning of an art Canon So why do we always have to xxit?

Pop music combines a new and unique interpretation of the art of youth today: youth, upward, full of true feelings, vitality, authenticity...... These are the unique charms of pop music!

The new generation of music creators, with their own dedication and love for music, will be their own ideas, as well as to life, to the world, to human nature...... It is the creativity embodied in pop music that integrates the ordinary bits and pieces of life into the music and creates the unique works.

New singers, they use the understanding of music, singing the interpretation of music. I think these multifarious musical interpretations should not be excluded. Yes, true art has no borders, nor should it be bound by time.

There is no contradiction between classical and popular, they are different types of music performance. Classical music has made China's history more glorious for thousands of years, and pop music has made the young people infatuated with it. This is the irresistible charm of music. "Star chasing" has become the trend of fashion, pop music is a wide range of universal embodiment. This shows music to most people's favorite. Music changes from "elegance" to "ordinary"". This makes art a popular enjoyment, and this is the fruits of music coming to people in just a few years.

That's enough to prove how much glamour and appeal the pop music has! It has reached the popularity of art, to promote more and more people to devote themselves to art, to participate in music, to use their own understanding of music to edify sentiment.

Music, into the popular era, pop music can not be denied!


The best time is when you go to bed at night. Shut the door, pulls out a tape into the radio, boldly open horn, let the music filled the air, let whole space expansion, and then will smell a fragrance emanating from the radio, and even smell to stimulate the taste, let you taste the flavor of the music, the music appreciation, is pleasure.

Unlimited reverie, without the senses, every note is hit, invasive my brain nerve, let me immersed in unlimited reverie. Then I carefully cut the thin and colorful pictures of the brain into a beautiful picture.

Listen, the sound of the rapid piano, just like the surging water straight down from the height, this is "Rhapsody in blue". In front of a piece of shady, restless air suddenly solidified, depressing, impatient. Suddenly, one's footsteps in the distance, as if to catch up with the time, uninterrupted tick ticking. As the sound went on, it seemed to be a door apart from him. Suddenly, the footsteps stopped, turned to a soft, melodious tunes, like a thin and tough wire is pulled out from the strings, soft and delicate, but there is a huge internal tension. Eyes for a light, I came to the forest and saw numerous Treefolk around a bunch of wonderful light dancing, dancing is so beautiful, like a breeze blowing trees as the swing.

I am immersed in a dream world, happy and beautiful reverie brings me good memories, perhaps only those who appreciate it can feel its mystery and internal attraction.

The sound of music sound Wyatt, without thinking, music drill into my brain, the brain confused and diluted into pleasure and happiness, give vent to the mood of the music. My heart is opening in infinity, the bitterness of an unpleasant day, melting with the melody of music.

When I talk with music, I always feel a kind of happiness that cannot be said, because appreciating it is appreciating my own life.

Resist the temptation to dream, I fell asleep, but I do not sleep is the thought of the soul, and the mysterious beauty of music......

Enjoying music is the happiest and most enjoyable thing. When you learn to appreciate its mysterious beauty, you will feel that your soul has been greatly released, and the form has been greatly relieved. When you really appreciate it, if you put yourself into the music, you will feel an infinite reverie, leisurely and quiet, and then the concert with you flying freely in the sky. Learn to appreciate and enjoy music, maybe find your own life. Life is like a song, a low notes, there are exciting melodies, let us always follow the high rhythm, enjoy a happy life!


Music, as the rain falls the strings, percussion windows, finger tapping bamboo, the original forms of life occasionally out of bounds. To calm the reality of life brings ripples, let all the people know is not by a click sound, as if to see another life spectacular, dangerous and beautiful. That is the bloom and fall of the other shore world, is from our blood and soul of the deepest throbbing. This is music to my feeling, people will be attracted by the music is normal, but let me also don't understand music to exhaust all the skills, why is there so much charm? It's really a problem.

The music sounded, knocked down the big chime heavy color, dignified tinged with cruelty and misery, full of heavy sense of the drum for mountains as it is everywhere, but equal to anything, ignorant, neither sad nor happy.

The music continues, like Xiao prelude with some slight discomfort, and when the piano sound stability regulator for Aoyama Hideki, everything became quiet. We will sound mildly, extradited to the other side of the world to rhyme. Where the natural appearance has never changed, the Castle Peak eternal silence, vegetation anger relaxation, Yamano Makiyoshizumi tactfully, air contains fragrance, life is like a free dance in the world, the shift cycle. Then the breeze gradually, drum music bud, like the dawn, wake up the first breath of life.

There are always some songs, can let your heart suddenly cracked open, the wind blows, a pond wrinkle. Instant smile, but see Sakura as flame burns, in the quiet world, we just need to ask you to stop Mo Mo, try to stay at the moment, but life is fleeting, youth from open from rest. These songs, very elegant, should not make people feel sad, as though it should be flat and layers of curtains, skin from the snow woman placid face. But who can hear the joy and sorrow of being buried in time under twelve gorgeous clothes?

What color is the most elegant, than the Navy and Zhu Hong, and the two is the most brutal, partial color, so it is with music.

Bright, almost transparent voices tell us loneliness and hope. In the afternoon, the white clouds float across the sky, and at night we can see stars. In the sky, we can always find ourselves in the mood.

There are songs, like Grandma's dry lips, songs of nursery rhymes. Desolate sound, accompanied by blurred electronic music, brings the warmth of piercing.

The music grew fast and came to a place where the four petals of jasmine were blooming in the ancient wall.

The music gradually slow, the walls of the monuments four petal Jasmine emblem with the moonlight shone red purple Xuan was shining up slowly, spread, spread to the first blood only accounted for the entire sky.

The song as always loud and high, more rare self-confidence, smile blooming in the melody. Collocation electronic piano music, every note in his life like jumping.

Music gives us too much heart throb, once the smoke, the eyes of the spring bloom, the youth are sing it with clean voice in the morning wake up, lazy to walk in the sun.

It is the human heart that composes the music, and the music shows another inner world.

Why is there so much charm of music, listening to the sounds of tapping bamboo, I think I found the answer.


Xian Xinghai left, Beethoven is gone, Mozart died in the impoverishment...... Some of the great musicians are gone, but their music is still there, and the soul of the musician is still there. The spirit of their music moves me and makes me revel in music.

Music gives people a sense of peace and makes them overcome difficulties. Listen to the music of Mozart, he is always a "Serenade" impressed by the beauty of music from the great musician pouring out of him not to answer, to write their own never bow to difficulties in the spirit of such a noble but poor musician, can not make people moved? The music created by Mozart always brings us up when we are in trouble; there is always a magic power, when we encounter setbacks and sad, let us think of the musician's grace and composure. So, let's calm down, listen to the musician's work, and feel the musician's mind and soul in his work. Oh This is Mozart's musical charm, his music will live forever.

Music gives people profound inspiration and gives courage.

Little John Strauss for writing "misfits concert waltz" criticized, but he did not yield to them, he insists, as Yu Qiuyu said: "the culture is likely to be real peak cloud for hundreds of years, this cloud is mainly hazy in the hearts of people." Strauss's "true cultural peak" finally came to light. So, when you shake in mind, think of this "non mainstream" peak "small John Strauss", you can strengthen confidence and success. Oh This is the music of little John Strauss. His music is always on earth.

Music, cultivate sentiment, give people the power up. The word "obscurity" can describe Bach's whole life. Bach was not taken seriously, find a small church worn as their own work stage, is the stage, he silently like to drizzle idle work, spring water such as Bach, were left out in the position, but he always be neither humble nor pushy. Today, when you are out of cold, listen to Bach's music, you will be touched by his fine and soft features, give people a warm feeling. This is the beauty of Bach's quiet heart. Oh This is Bach's music charm, give a person filled with a thousand regrets.

Although these great musicians in the world, but the charm of music still in their music, the soul is still in, these musicians in the quiet heart, faith inspired me, with my growth, mature. My life will benefit a lot from music.




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