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2023-09-11 07:57:04



a stormy nightin hong kong.


a young man who asked his girlfriend out on adate canceled the date and stayed at home because of the bad weather. meanwhile, in the same apartment building, a pregnant lady who was lying in bed already, suddenly decided to drive out to grab some food. as she was driving back in the heavy rain, the lightning struck her building. and she saw the whole building collapsing in front of her in the storm.


all the residents of that building, including the young man, lost their lives in that accident. yet the pregnant lady survived.


this is a story of fate by author, kuang ni from hong kong. dead oralive, all depended on that one thought. is this a made-up story, or a true reflection of our lives?


you have probably also experienced how one decision potentially leads to adramatic and different result. so is it accidental, or inevitable? does destiny exist? if so, how is it formed? can it be changed? how do we change it?


my dad published a book titled enlightenment in XX. it’s a book about buddhism and its wisdom that may help you in life. i say “a life-changing book” here because first of all, it is what the chinese characters on the cover mean; secondly it is my own father’s book and of course i want to sell it; but thirdly, it indeed is “alife-changing book.”

我父亲于2016年出版了《觉悟》一书。这是一本关于用佛教智慧改变我们生命的书。我说“this is a life-changing book(一本足以改写你生命的书)”,因为首先,这本书的封面上的确写着这些中文字;其次,这是我父亲的书,我当然想推销它;(笑声)第三,这的确是一本足以改写你生命的书。

ever since he published book, he has wanted me to translate his book when i grow more proficient in english. i doubt that i have the ability to translate his book yet, but i’d like to take this opportunity to share some bits and parts of his insights on buddhism; especially those on zen buddhism that have helped me in my life. this speech will partially be a rough translation of the first chapter of his book, as he wishes, and partially my personal experience with zen.




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