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2023-09-23 04:16:13


第一段第一句同1 ,第二句:

At first glance it seems very difficult for us to draw a [definite/quick] conclusion that ____________ is right or wrong, [because it has both advantages and disadvantages / since everything has two sides]. However, after serious considerations we can see that under most circumstances ____________(this approach) [will do more good than harm / is a rather wise viewpoint].

或:As far as I am concerned, I agree with the opinion. However, it is unfair to draw a quick conclusion without serious considerations. There are no less than [three advantages in A/three reasons to agree with the opinion] as rendered below:

第二段 第一点原因。第二点原因。第三点原因。

第三段 In conclusion, (it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any one of them.) Only these three reasons can make [a person/me] draw the conclusion that _____________ , not to mention there are more.



TOPIC: In order to do XXX, there are many ways: A, B, C, D. Which do you choose? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.




With so many choices it seems very difficult for us to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages( and disadvantages) to the extent that it is hard to distinguish. Yet that does not mean they are all the same to me. Which one I prefer depends on my own experience, life style and [emotional concerns / educational background/____________]. To be frank, I would prefer A if personal quality is considered as a criterion to choose things. (However, it is unfair to draw a quick conclusion without serious onsiderations.) There are no less than three advantages in A as rendered below:




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