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2023-09-24 03:32:01




Innovation drive economy, promote the enterprise competitiveness .Carrying out the innovation-driven strategy and d eveloping innovative economy is the keywords of the development of economic transformation and upgrading in the recent years.

Innovation-driven is the central link to accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development. Through the science and technology innovation to promote transformation and upgrading, through the transformation and upgrading to promote scientific development., improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth, which is the key to develop economy in a high speed.

Therefore, in this background, the enterprise should be how to improve their own competitiveness?

1、The organizers of the enterprise innovation: technical entrepreneurs

Enterprise is the subject of innovation, not equal to each enterprise can become the subject of innovation, the key is that must have the innovation organizers in the enterprise. That is to say, innovation in enterprise is realized, and entrepreneurs should assume the innovation function. Entrepreneurs better educated and become science and technology entrepreneurs, is the subjective conditions which promote the cooperation of innovation. Entrepreneurs have no the corresponding knowledge level, they don't know the direction of the science and technology innovation, also do not know how to develop knowledge products, also do not know how to work with scientists. If the President of Microsoft company not Bill Gates, the founder have no Wang xuan, the two companies would not achieve success. Thus puts forward the innovation talent cultivation problems, especially both profound knowledge of the subject, and a keen eye of the commercialization of the managing personnel.

2、Building brand enhance competitiveness

With the growing market competition and consumer spending psychological becomes mature, at present the market competition will soon move into the era of brand competition. How to digest imported technology foundation, to realize the independent innovation, form with independent intellectual property rights of the national brand, has become key factors which the enterprises to improve the core competitive power, to win the future market .

3、Improve organizational structure innovation

Enterprise organization innovation is the optimal management by adjusting the elements human, financial, material, time, information and other resources allocation structure, to improve the existing management elements of the efficiency to achieve. As the company's organizational innovation, which can have a new property right system, the new labor system, the new management mechanism and so on. Enterprise organization innovation should consider the management of the enterprise development strategy, the future direction of management, business objectives, the operation system planning. To establish the market which as the center of the market information. To constantly optimize the combination of various production elements, develop the human resources. To pay attention to real management and at the same time, enterprise should strengthen the management of ideology, pay attention to the accumulation of capital asset management, etc.

4、Constructing the integration of production, study and research of the mechanism Jiangsu have rich resource in science and education, the innovation ability of universities and research institutes is strong, the innovation atmosphere is strong, the foundation of industrial development is very good. Full use of these advantages together, we can grasp the development opportunities, through innovation-driven to achieve leapfrog development.




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