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2023-10-03 03:36:07




Today, mom and Dad took me and my sister to skiing in the Xinli Lake skiing field. It was the first time I skied, and I was both excited and nervous. At the ski resort, we went straight to the skiing hall. There were a lot of people gathered here, waiting for the ski shoes and skis to get their own size. We put on a ski shoes, then we take the shoes according to the proper size of skis, ski thin, long, there is a small point upwards. We followed the people to the skiing field.

I go to the hill slide again, going to the highest mountain slide, because I feel like skating skiing with similar, but I went up to the mountain can be more difficult, a long row of teams caught on the cable stick, after a while and fell down, because I also play small temper, Dad see tell how to catch the cable stick, this trick can be it, soon.

At the top of the mountain, I went down to the mountain with my sister and dad. At first I thought I would skate on the dry ice. It must be easy. But it was so slippery that the mountain was very steep and not so far away. I felt that some of the skateboards were twisted in the East, and I was afraid. Although I slipped out well, I finally fell down. Because the skis quilt in the feet, I can not stand up. My sister came to help me, and then I slipped back for a few times, and I was happy!

How time flies, we should leave the ski, people looked at the ski resort of song and laughter, my first time skiing experience also in the end. I have experienced the joy and pride of success in the process of falling over and over again.


This winter vacation, my father pulled out a hundred hours, promised to take me to Urumqi skiing. I clapped my hands happily.

I went on this interesting journey with my mom and Dad, and the car went through the crisscross road in Urumqi. Not long after, we came to Shirenshan, moving fast in the rugged mountain road. Outside the window, a tall mountain covered with snow, and one or two stone stand in the white snow, quickly flashed in front of us.

To ski area, Dad parked the car at the foot of the mountain, I saw many children in the best of spirits sit skis, tires, sled down, and then run the summit, "sting slip away" a sound and slide down. Although the weather is cold, it can not see that they feel cold, and the hot fire of play!

Watching them look cheerfully, I also set up snow suits, gloves, skiing, running to the top of the mountain, sitting on skiing boards, holding on to the rails, and afraid of falling down. Looking at the steep hillside, I closed my eyes, and in the time of indecision, I didn't know which big hands pushed me down. Listening to the whistle of the wind, the naughty snowflakes fell into my sleeve and face from time to time, and I opened my eyes hard. I feel like doing it at speed, go by like the wind. Gradually I was not afraid, and I was afraid to bump into someone else, so I swung around, controlled the direction, and played the pattern. In a few moments, I came to the foot of the mountain.

I climbed up to the half of the mountain and stepped on a piece of ice. "Flop" fell and my butt opened the flower, but I didn't feel a pain at all. I climbed up the top of the hill with others and slipped down. It was more dangerous this time. I accidentally deviated from the skiing Road, turned it around, flew up, and landed again... The more I became addicted to it, the more I shouted, "it's too cool!" I also call my mom and dad slipping together! Although it was cold, I forgot the cold when I played and played. I didn't know how long it was. I said, "all right, it's all hours. We should eat the afternoon." I was unable to part with their left ski.

The first ski makes me so happy, I want to come and play around it every day!




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