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2023-10-03 07:51:04




I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives. So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.


Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people.

The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly. I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous. They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent.


I have a parrot. It's my favorite animal. Its name is Gaga because it always makes sounds like that. We picked it up in the parking lot six years ago. We released a revelation but had no one to claim. It doesn't change a lot but its color becomes more and more beautiful. We say that it's a handsome boy. It can imitate some simple words and phrases, like hello or greet to my grandmother. My grandmother often talks to it or plays music for it. We think that it's some kind of clever, because it always makes sounds when it's boring or hungry. It adds a lot of fun to our lives.




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