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2023-10-12 02:34:02


有些人会选择收入高但工作时间长的工作;有些人则宁愿选择收入低但工作时间却相对较短的工作 2)如果让你选择,你会选择哪种工作?


本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出两种不同的工作选择,提纲第2点要求表明我的倾向,由此可判断本文应为对比选择型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出人们对工作的两种不同选择倾向:一些人即使需要工作更长的"时间也会选择收入高的工作,一些人则宁愿拿低工资也会选择工作时间较短的工作;表明我会选择什么类型的工作,说明我这样选择的理由。


My Choice for Job A recent survey shows that people who get higher salaries generally work longer hours than those who get lower salaries. Some people favor higher-paying jobs, even though such jobs always result in longer work time. They believe that money is so indispensable in peoples lives that without it no material comforts or well-being can be guaranteed. However, others have different preferences. They would rather take up lower-paying jobs with shorter hours. In their eyes, money doesnt necessarily ensure happiness and well-being. They want to spend more time in doing their likes and getting together with their family and friends. As for me, I prefer to take up a job with shorter hours even if it pays less. In my opinion, work is not our whole life. We should allocate enough time to our family and friends and have more time to enjoy our life. Besides, we are not machines. We need time to relax and rest so that we could be energetic enough to do our job better.




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