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2023-10-17 05:12:05


What s more, we should realize that only from our planet can we obtain our sheltering, food, cloth and so forth.

To everyone on our planet,

Over the past years, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust-storms have frequented our planet, the only habitat of human beings. Several days ago, tsunami has swept the Southeast Asia, which has caused enormous damage. All these have sounded an alarm to human beings.

The destruction which is caused by human beings has aroused people s concern all over the world. If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home. What s more, we should realize that only from our planet can we obtain our sheltering, food, cloth and so forth.

Counter-measures must be taken to curb the destruction caused by human beings. Most importantly, laws must be established to punish those who are involved in destructive conducts.




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