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2023-11-06 02:31:05


If you have a friend, yon'll feel happy; if you have a bosom friend, you'll feel rich; if you have a friend who gives his hands to you in emergency, you'll feel lucky. Thank God, I'm a happy, rich and lucky girl. During my life, friendship is the most valuable wealth and unfading memory.

1998, my hard year. Because of lay very poor health, I had to remain in hospital. But it was my second year at high school! I worried about nay study and my future. What I felt was not only pain, but despair. Just then, my friend -- a politics teacher in my high school -- came to my rescue. As far as I know, this old man is also a famous lawyer with busy practice. But he gave up his practice more than one year and taught me in the hospital almost every day. He gave me both knowledge and the faith in the future.

With his help, I overcame the difficulty and became a college student. I couldn't express my thanks in words, because he did too much for me. He told me that he felt happy to light a path for me and wished me to have a brand-new future. I was lucky enough to have such a good friend. I love and respect him. In my heart, he is ray teacher, ray father, and above all, my best friend forever.





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