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My Favourite Food五年级英语作文

2023-12-30 05:57:07

My Favourite Food五年级英语作文

My Favourite Food

Do you know what this is? Guess! Its colour is yellow. Its long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. Its round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much.

How about you? Whats your favourite food?


My Favourite Food 是一篇很成功的文章,小作者并不是简单地列举出自己最喜欢的每一种食物,而是有详有略地进行介绍。整篇文章用词准确、语言流畅、没有语法错误。另外,文章中出现了一些生词,可见小作者是用心了。

【My Favourite Food五年级英语作文】



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