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2023-12-31 05:37:27


The Importance of Details

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Details by commenting on the remark "The devil is always in the detailso" You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The Importance of Details

"The devil is always in the details" is a proverb which means that details determine our success. Therefore, this quotation aims to tell us that every detail is important enough to be paid attention to.

Some people may think that one who wants to achieve great success shouldn't pay much attention to details,but those who desire to do something big at once will constantly be haunted by disappointment, frustration or even failures,as when '' something big " shows up,they can hardly seize the opportunity because of the lack of ability to deal with small things. Keeping an eye on details may help us in many ways. For instance, when we were small children, we were sometimes very careless and there were many lapses in our homework, but if we could pay much more attention to these trifles, we would get a higher mark in the exam. What's more, when we make decisions, making every detail clear will reduce risks.

To sum up,under no circumstances should we undervalue the importance of details, for paying attention to small things is the first step of success and will lay root for doing something big.




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