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2024-01-27 07:10:59

初一英语作文推荐:My Cousin My cousin is a very special person in my life. Her name is Lily, and she is always full of energy and enthusiasm. She is a year older than me, but we get along like the best of friends. She is very talented at drawing and often teaches me new techniques. Not only is she artistic, but she is also very good at sports. We often play basketball together in the park, and she always encourages me to do my best. What I admire most about her is her kindness and generosity. She is always there for me when I need help, and she never hesitates to share what she has with others. I am truly lucky to have her as my cousin, and I believe that everyone should have someone like her in their lives.

初一英语作文 My Cousin

My cousin is only five years old. She comes to my house every weekend. We like her very much. Though she is very young she has ideas of her own. She says she wants to invite a fairy to help my mother to clean the kitchen. She prefers to be a super model. So she keeps on learning English and practising walking every day. Last week her mother told her to sleep in my bed. Half an hour later, she didn't fall asleep. Her mother was very angry. Then I went into the room, and asked whether she had slept. She closed her eyes tightly and said "Yes".

She's such a naughty and clever girl.

[初一英语作文推荐: My Cousin]

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  1. 2024-01-27 07:49月光恋海洋[甘肃省网友]IP:3732741861
  2. 2024-01-27 07:30*皿魉$[香港网友]IP:2566951187


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