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2024-02-01 12:29:59




Nowadays, more and more middle-aged people are suffering from insomnia, as life for the middle-aged is stressful indeed. For one thing, as they are the backbones of their companies, they have plenty of things to do at work. And they usually have to work overtime. For another, they have to take great responsibilities at home, for their aged parents need to be supported and their little children need to be brought up. That"s why they don"t have enough time to have a good rest.


To sleep well, some of them often take sleeping pills. I don"t think it"s good for them to do so, because the sleeping pills can only get rid of the sign of insomnia, not the cause. And taking too much sleeping pills is bad for their health.


Therefore, I suggest those middle-aged people should know how to relax themselves and rest their brains. Taking a simple work after supper will be beneficial for them. Besides, they can have a glass of milk before going to bed, which can be helpful for their sleep.



Clothes are so significant in our daily life that we can"t live without them, because they are useful in many ways. For example, clothes could keep us warm in winter and protect our skin from the heavy sunshine in summer. What"s more, Clothes make a man just as a saddle makes a horse. Everyday we wear different kinds of clothes to make ourselves more attractive. Suppose if we wore the same clothes all the time, our life would be so boring.


As far as I"m concerned, I know some kinds of clothes, such as formal clothes, casual clothes, evening wears and uniforms. In different situations, we wear different clothes. For example, we wear formal clothes to go to meetings; we wear casual clothes at home; we wear evening wears to attend evening parties, and we wear uniforms at school or at work.


Nevertheless, I prefer casual clothes, because they are comfortable. And they are also very cheap. When I wear casual clothes, I can do a lot of sports. It’s so cool. By the way, red is my favorite color, since I"ve got a white skin. If I"m in red, I"ll look kind and friendly. So I always buy red clothes when shopping.



With the victory of AlphaGo, a newborn robot produced by Google Company, in the world Go Champion, AI has been a new hot topic recently and has promoted widespread debate in our life.


How will AI affect our life? There are different viewpoints between different people. There are several notables, such as Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates, worrying about the development of AI. They are afraid that the abuse of artificial intelligence technology is likely to usher in a smart explosion situation, then the machine will continue to enhance their own skills and knowledge, and finally get beyond the human’s IQ. What"s worse, they might attain emotion. In other words, the machine may be out of control at the end and even control the world on the contrary.


However, optimistic opinions are also accepted by numerous people. They are totally convinced that AI can bring more convenience, more efficient and more wealth to us. Most significantly, AI will enhance human productivity, then promote social development.


From where I stand, I am in favor of artificial intelligence, because it can apply to all kinds of fields and lead us to a more convenient life. For example, when we need some medical help, there may be no necessary to go to hospital anymore. What we need is a smart phone embed a medical AI robot, which can check our health condition. Can you image how convenient and fast that is? Although those pessimistic ideas are reasonable, I believe that the benefits of AI outweigh the disadvantages.


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  1. 2024-02-01 13:07深山光明[河北省网友]IP:1908572466
  2. 2024-02-01 12:59︶ ̄淡寫、物是人非[宁夏网友]IP:763187286
  3. 2024-02-01 12:52雪山傲松[黑龙江省网友]IP:1730510633
  4. 2024-02-01 12:44amenda[澳门网友]IP:1731817144
  5. 2024-02-01 12:37沈丹妮[江苏省网友]IP:2111679300


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