趣文网 > 综合


2024-03-25 08:04:45


Boom boom, boom boom, this momentum is tired of the sound of thunder, just like a band playing drums playing in the sky, it rained, "tick.". Ticking "this beautiful rain always reminds people of beautiful memories. I feel like I am in a quiet, my own space, and I will listen to the rain quietly. How gentle it is! I heard it in a world full of perfect rhymes.


Sitting under the tree, a fresh wind blows, the tree can always "rustle" singing, each leaf has its own unique voice, as if a large orchestra is only singing for you. That sound will come to your mind. You just need to close your eyes and listen carefully, you can unconsciously drive away the worries in your heart, and you no longer feel that you are insignificant.


The cook"s voice is even more peculiar when cooking, "Dong Dong..." This is the beginning of the chef"s performance. The best match between the pot and the shovel is too much. These sounds are like the ringing of the bell. When the dishes are fried, the music is over.


The musicians among the insects - I know, their performance is absolutely beyond doubt, and the sound can be called first-class. In the sun, musicians "creak" under the shade of trees. Creak ", I don"t know how happy it is, which makes people itch in their hearts. I also want to use the instrument to play a song with the insect gate.


Applause is the respect every city needs. Understanding and encouragement, applause, is a kind of sound that makes people feel balanced in their hearts, which is always so deeply rooted in people"s hearts. When others are misinterpreted, give them your heartfelt applause, which is the applause of understanding; when others are satirized and insulted, give them civilized applause, which is the applause of respect; when others are frustrated, give them the most enthusiastic applause, give them the greatest encouragement.


Sound can purify people"s hearts, and more beautiful music can remind people of good memories. If the world loses sound, people"s hearts cannot be enriched.

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  1. 2024-04-04 08:10狂暴小子[陕西省网友]IP:3407024717
    @㈠輩ふ`廝垨 声音魅力是种超越语力量它能够打动人心传递情感。期待到这篇作文如何探索声音奥秘!
  2. 2024-03-30 08:07㈠輩ふ`廝垨[青海省网友]IP:3407362119


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