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2024-03-29 16:48:06

"High School Freshman English Essay on Mobile Phones" is a thought-provoking piece that delves into the impact of mobile phones on today"s youth. Written by a high school student, the essay explores both the positive and negative aspects of mobile phone usage, addressing issues such as technology addiction, social interaction, and academic performance. Drawing from personal experiences and research, the essay provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of mobile phones in students" lives. With a balanced and insightful approach, the author discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with mobile phone usage among high school students. Through this essay, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between young people and mobile technology, as well as the potential implications for their personal and academic development. This essay is a valuable contribution to the discourse on technology and its impact on the younger generation.


Mobile telephone is so common nowadays that almost every student has got one. Using mobile telephone has an aspect of advantage and another aspect of disadvantage.

For the first aspect, using mobile telephone makes it easy to contact between parents and friends. Mobile telephone also adds much fun to our life.

For the later aspect, students' using mobile telephones in class will disturb the class. And as a student who doesn't have very much money, it is a waste to talk on phone and send messages.

So I suggest that please don't use mobile telephone in class if you have one and take care of the costly things of your own.






Being a product of high-technology,mobile phones are being more and more widely used. It's small in size, light in weight and easy to carry, offering fast and convenient service for communication.It's of multi-function. The users use it for calling, sending short messages and internet-surfing.

In recent years, mobile phones have become popular among middle school students. Quite a few use them at school to keep in touch with their families and friends instead of writing letters, which, of course brings convenience to them. But I don't think it's good to do so.

In spite of the advantage mentioned above, student users often waste a lot of time chatting over the phone in their spare time, some even use them to cheat in exams. In addition, mobile phone bill is also a heavy burden on students' families.




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  1. 2024-04-07 11:51满江春潮[香港网友]IP:710187244
  2. 2024-04-03 02:19一墨[云南省网友]IP:1969703542


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