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My Journal entry 英语作文

2024-03-31 17:26:54

“My Journal Entry” is an English essay that delves into the personal experiences and emotions of the writer. It offers a glimpse into the writer’s innermost thoughts and reflections, providing a candid and honest account of their daily life, struggles, and moments of joy. The essay emphasizes the writer’s unique perspective, allowing readers to connect with the narrative on a deeply personal level. Through this journal entry, readers can gain insight into the writer’s journey, perspective, and the transformative power of self-expression. The essay serves as a testament to the writer’s ability to articulate their feelings and experiences, inviting readers to empathize and relate to the writer’s journey. With its heartfelt and sincere approach, “My Journal Entry” captivates readers and invites them to reflect on their own experiences and emotions.

My Journal entry

These days, I have been reading a book, called: "Robinson Crusoe". Fantastic! The adventures of the main tell the story of Robinson Crusoe on a desert island.

One let me know the truth: no matter what happens, if do not calculate in advance the cost of correct estimate not his own strength, is very stupid! Also let know a word from the bible: "waiting for god, be strong and brave, your determination, waiting for god!" I admire Robinson, because he can independent life on a desert island, so I admire Robinson. I also saw Jane eyre...




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  1. 2024-04-05 21:25戚孤矮[西藏网友]IP:1729826616


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