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2024-06-22 22:45:25

1、Darlin', I can hardly hear myself think! Momma's precious little baby girl… 中文: 你让我无法思考,你是妈妈的宝贝女儿。

2、Put those down. Don't come any closer. Please… 中文: 放下来! 请不要再接近!

3、He probably wants you to pay for it yourself. It builds character. You'll appreciate it more. 中文: 他要你自食其力,养成独立,以后你会更感激他。

4、You don't know about the wonderful world of teenage girls. They're all crazy. 中文: 对少女一点概念也没有,她们最疯狂了。

5、Why is it snowing, Grandma? Where does it come from?If the evening when the moon rises, the moon shine my doorstep, I hope to meet La Luna me a wish, I'd like a pair of human hands. I would like to put my hands of my lover tightly over at Wye Medium, even if only once. If I have never had a warm feeling of taste, maybe I will not cold; if I did not feel too sweet love, I maybe would not have to pain. If I did not encounter the kind-pei girl, if I have never not left my room, I would not know I was such a lonely 中文: 如果晚上月亮升起的时候,月光照到我的门口,我希望月光女神能满足我一个愿望,我想要一双人类的手。我想用我的双手把我的爱人紧紧地拥在怀中,哪怕只有一次。如果我从来没有品尝过温暖的感觉,也许我不会这样寒冷;如果我从没有感受过爱情的甜美,我也许就不会这样地痛苦。如果我没有遇到善良的佩格,如果我从来不曾离开过我的房间,我就不会知道我原来是这样的孤独。

6、—He did them just like that! —That is incredible. 中文: —他手脚真的那么俐落。—才一下午功夫?

7、I would rather him remember me the way I was. 中文: 我只愿他记得我当年的样子。

8、No matter what, Edward will always be special. 中文: 无论如何,爱德华都是特殊的。

9、Took some shrapnel during the war, and ever since then I can't feel a thing! 中文: 战时受的伤,使我没了知觉,一点知觉也没有。

10、We're not trying to confuse him, we're trying to make things easier, so cut the comedy. 中文: 我们要让他能够了解现实,大家别再闹了。

11、That was the single most thrillin' experience of my whole life. 中文: 这是我一生中最难忘的经历。

12、Why didn't I set a better example? You saw how I envied Jim's parents. 中文: 都是我做的坏榜样,我不该羡慕占美家有钱。

13、Esmeralda won't be here. And the rest of the neighbours, they're really very nice. 中文: 又不是要来很多人,邻居们都是很和蔼可亲的。

14、He gave him insides, a heart, a brain, everything. 中文: 他给他造了器官心脏头脑以及一切。

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